Caricamento Eventi
Ore 21:00
Città di Castello – Teatro degli Illuminati
Largo Monsignore Giovanni Muzi
Citta Di Castello, PG 06012 Italy

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Black Light Theatre Srnec Black Theatre of Prague

Music and direction by Jiří Srnec

 “It’s a ‘musically organised’ movement of artistic objects, bearing different meanings. Stimulating and stirring the sensitivity of the audience who is brought from the passive state of ‘looking’ to the active one of ‘perceiving’ ” such were the words used to describe the first black theatre of Prague: Black Light Theatre Srnec.
Founded by Jiří Srnec in 1961, Black Theatre is a performing art which is considered the most representative of Czech culture and it is one of the most beloved outside the country as witnessed by over five million viewers who followed the tour in sixtyeight countries around the world. Its technique is based upon an optic illusion which impairs the human eye to see the artists dressed in black  moving against a black backdrop. What is left on the stage are colourful objects which seem to be living off their own life. In Anthology we will see the most beautiful sketches , starting from the oldest piece Coin Laundry. Fun, awe and wonder are assured for adults and children.

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